Sliding window, Commercial Window(CW). Thermally Improved Prime Replacement Window

SLIDERS – Universal Series 945 Slider

Universal Window and Door offers a line of sliding windows with our Commercial Series 945, which utilizes our thermal break sash and master frame for optimal insulating value.

The Series 945 features 7/8” clear insulating glass made with Super Spacer®, the world’s only TrueWARM® edge technology and are fixed lite glazed to the master frame for reduced air infiltration. Dual assembly screws at sash corners provide added strength and tandem rollers on each sliding panel enhance the smooth operation of the sliders. We also engineer a tank sill into the window for improved water performance.

Product Features

Frame Depth 2 5/8 (2.625) "
AAMA Rating CW PG50
Air Infiltration 0.01
Air Exfiltration -
Water Rating 7.52
Design Pressure 50.13
Negative Design Pressure -50.13
U Value NFRC Size* 0.57 to 0.31
CR -
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