Series 700 Steel Replica

Project In Hopper, Rated Architectural Window (AW). Thermally Improved Prime Replacement Window

Universal Window and Door has been providing historically accurate windows for architects and developers for the adaptive re-use of historic structures for nearly fifty years. Our 600 Series windows are designed to meet the exacting standards of the National Park Service National Register of Historic Places as well as numerous state and local historic preservation entities. By working closely with designers and historic societies, our custom manufacturing process allows us to produce historically accurate windows that restore the unique character of the original design while simultaneously improving the energy efficiency with our state of the art window technology.

We provide minimal sight lines with the structural strength of aluminum, while offering multiple grid profiles which authentically reproduce the original look of old window putty lines for either wood or steel windows. TrueWARM® warm-edge Technology assures unprecedented energy savings through the use of new, low transmission materials at the critical edge seal area of multi-layer glass. We also provide custom built moldings and other accessories in a wide variety of stock and custom colors to accurately replicate any historic restoration project.

Product Features

Frame Depth 2 "
AAMA Rating AW PG100
Air Infiltration 0.01
Water Rating 12.11
Design Pressure 100.25
Negative Design Pressure -100.25
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